
Compensation for French victims of an act of terrorism abroad

For acts of terrorism occurring abroad, the Fund compensates victims of French nationality and their dependents (regardless of their nationality).
The Fund provides full compensation for injury to the person, in respect of bodily injury (physiological and psychological damage) caused by acts of terrorism.
It also compensates the moral and economic damages of relatives of deceased or severely injured victims.
The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor informs the Fund of the circumstances of the event and the identity of the deceased victims and unconscious injured victims.
The Fund has the list of conscious or shocked injured people hospitalized. This transmission allows the Fund to initiate the compensation offer procedure very quickly. This list of victims is not exhaustive.

For fair and complete compensation for your damages during an accident abroad, it is essential to determine

Any unreported person who considers himself to be the victim of an act of a terrorist nature may submit a claim for compensation to the Fund if he provides the necessary justifications.
Victims have a period of 10 years to apply to the Fund (article L.422-3 of the Insurance Code).

How is the compensation procedure?

In order to be able to present a complete and final compensation offer, the Fund is required to follow a compensation procedure. When the bodily injury is serious or the economic situation is complex, this procedure, similar to that followed by the courts, can be long, which is the counterpart of the necessary investigations and the dialogue that must be established to achieve a just compensation.

The immediate payment of a provision

In the month of acceptance of the file, the Fund pays a first provision (financial advance on the final compensation) which makes it possible to face the first costs related to the event.
If the situation justifies it, other provisions may be paid so that the victim can cope as long as the final compensation for the damage has not taken place.

Medical expertise

For injured victims, whether physically or psychologically, the assessment of the entire damage can only take place after a complete forensic expertise organized by the Fund.
Before any evaluation of the various damage items, the doctor examines the victim and consults the medical documents presented to determine if he is "consolidated", that is to say if his state of health has stabilized and is no longer likely to deteriorate. worsen or improve.
If this is not the case, the expert indicates that he will have to see the victim again at a later date before being able to definitively assess the damage suffered.

The determination of the date of consolidation is the responsibility of doctors and varies greatly depending on the victims and their injuries. Sometimes it takes several months, or even several years in the most serious cases, before physical or psychological injuries consolidate. Ask their attending physician or the medical specialist who follows them beforehand to find out if they are consolidated and if the final expertise can take place.

Victims can be assisted, during the expertise, by the doctor of their choice, whose fees are borne by the Fund.

The final compensation offer

Medico-legal consolidation allows the Fund to present an offer within the 3-month period provided for by law, subject to the determination of all the elements of the economic loss.
Compensation takes into account specificities according to the nature and severity of the damage and the personal situation of the victims.

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