Assistance for people with reduced mobility

Specific assistance for victims with disabilities, with the collaboration of our occupational therapists and orthoprosthetists:

  • Personalized help in choosing tailor-made equipment, in line with your needs: wheelchair, medical bed, etc.
  • Personalized help with home furnishings: kitchen equipment, bathroom equipment, bedroom equipment, etc.
  • Personalized help with fitting out the vehicle: help with choosing a convertible car, help with choosing equipment, etc.
  • Mattheva met également à votre disposition un service d’ingénierie conseil : En étroite collaboration avec la société MATTHEVA ENGINEERING, our design office, can make you proposals for prototypes by combining the latest advances in the medical field and the latest technological innovations (Prostheses, bionic knee, etc.).

Mattheva mobilise ses efforts et son expertise pour aider les personnes en situation de handicap, quelle que soit leur condition physique, à améliorer leur autonomie et surtout à retrouver une certaine joie de vivre.